Cel de al 9-lea forum deidcat drepturilor copiilor in Europa se va desfasura in datele de 3 si 4 iunie 2015 in Bruxelles. ARPCC a fost invitata de catre Comisia Europeana la acest forum, lucru care ne onoreaza.

Colectivul ARPCC



Coordination and cooperation in integrated child protection systems
3-4 June 2015, Brussels
The 9th European Forum on the rights of the child aims to foster the exchange of good practices, to facilitate connections at inter-sectoral and inter-agency level (both nationally and transnationally), and to promote more effective cooperation and coordination in integrated child protection systems.  It will build on the discussions of the 8th Forum in 2013.
On 3 June, the Forum will be dedicated to high-level speeches on opportunities and challenges in supporting integrated child protection systems and their functioning in particular situations.
On 4 June, the focus on child protection systems will be applied to particular child protection areas through discussions in four parallel sessions, with the overarching theme of „coordination and cooperation”:
  • Session I: prevention of violence against children
  • Session II: identification, reporting and referral
  • Session III: investigation, treatment, follow-up and judicial involvement
  • Session IV: effective procedures
Participation is by invitation only.

Sursa: Colectivul ARPCC-http://blog.arpcc.ro/2015/04/cel-de-al-9-lea-forum-dedicat.html